Statistics show that new drivers are more likely to have an accident in the first two years of passing their test than at any other time in their driving career. In the first year of driving, one driver in five is involved in an accident. This is mainly down to a lack of driving experience, and this is where Pass Plus comes in!

What is Pass Plus?

Pass Plus is a training course specifically aimed at new drivers, designed by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) with the help of insurers and the driving instruction industry. Pass Plus will build upon your existing skills and knowledge, it will teach you how to anticipate, plan for and deal with all kinds of hazards, and can help you to become more confident on the roads.

Pass Plus is made up of six practical modules which include:

Driving in town

Driving in all weathers
Driving on rural roads
Driving at night
Driving on dual carriageways
Driving on motorways

Anyone who holds a full UK licence is eligible to take part in the scheme. You will not have to take a test at the end of the course but you will be continually assessed. You must successfully complete all the modules in the course to an achieved or exceeded standard.


How much does it cost?

Your course will consist of a minimum of six hours training. When you have completed the course, you are advised to check available discounts offered by the many insurance companies taking part in this scheme. The amount you save will depend on the company you choose, but it is not uncommon to save more than you paid for the course! -
Price £240 (if additional hours are required they will be charged at £40 an hour) . 
For those pupils in the 17 – 24 age group residing in Hampshire, who have passed their driving test in the last 12 months, Hampshire County Council will pay £75.00 towards your pass plus training course.   Please click here for more information


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